
A pledge to initiate and inspire change in the way we live to directly contribute to a sustainable future at home and beyond.

Our part

Refusal of single-use plastics
Minimize food waste and leftovers

LED lights that turn on based on sensors
Use eco-friendly cleaning supplies and laundry products

Educate our employees and our guests on reusable products.

Recycle and sort trash
We collect non-potable rainwater for flushing

Your part

Please follow the signage on our recycling and compost bins to properly dispose of waste.

Bring and use reusable water bottles, our tap water is  specially clean and hydrating!

Leave no trace!

Take part in our community service events.

For every 2 nights stay we contribute a portion of our revenue to Sázíme Česko, 
an initiative that aims to rebuild forests all around Czech Republic.
250  trees planted!
